Rhonda Pederson, San Juan County Treasurer said Gov. Jay Inslee signed a new bill into law on April 16, 2021,  ESHB 1332 , which provides a deferral of 2021 property taxes for businesses with real property.

Businesses with a documented 25% reduction of its revenue attributable to real property for calendar year 2020 compared to calendar year 2019 may apply for an extension of payment on 2021 real property taxes.

“Businesses that apply for the program and establish a payment plan with the San Juan County Treasurer will not have any interest or penalties applied to their taxes due, as long as the business remains compliant with the payment plan,” Pederson said.

To be eligible, businesses must complete and submit the form developed by Department of Revenue, 2021 Request for Real Property Tax Due Date Extension & Payment Agreement Due to Revenue Loss, Provided in ESHB 1332  by April 30, 2021 to the San Juan County Treasurer.  Verification of the revenue loss could be subject to audit by the Department of Revenue.

The deferral does not apply to residential or nonbusiness related property.

For more information or to inquire about the deferral, contact the Treasurer’s Office at treasurer@sanjuanco.com or call 360-378-2161.