Sabrina Bailey and Isaac Clark make their journals at the Funhouse's Yurt Hut

Sabrina Bailey and Isaac Clark make their journals at the Funhouse's Yurt Hut

Adults as well as kids can have fun in the Funhouse’s new slate of classes, chock-full of art, jazz, computer-internet, and audio recording experiences.

There is a reduced charge for Funhouse Members for the classes, and also free music and art classes.

A free Art Class that runs Tuesdays and Thursdays under the direction of Marcia Dillingham started meeting yesterday, Jan. 12. Dillingham says, “Twice a week at the Funhouse we try to focus our attention outside the screen. On these days we turn off the computers and encourage taking advantage of all the other great things there are to do here at The Funhouse” The art class meets at the art yurt in the Funhouse at 3:30 and welcomes new members; the kids have started on the “All About Me” journal project, which will run for the next few weeks. Then kids will make friendship bracelets and a Valentine’s Day project.

Alexis Pence starts her book, "All About Me" at the free art class meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays

Alexis Pence starts her book, "All About Me" at the free art class meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays

On Jan. 18, local webmaster Michael Sky starts a class that runs on Monday evening until Feb. 8 between 7 and 8 p.m. He’ll teach WordPress software so that users can set up, style, publish and maintain their own websites. Intermediate computer skills are required. The cost is $40 for members and $50 for non-members.

Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 3:45 p.m. is the first meeting of “The Jam Cats,” for kids who are horn and string players. Jam Cats will meet once a month with pizza served. It’s free and open to the community.

Also on Jan. 19, Joe Thoron will teach how “Social Networking” can help businesses, and the pitfalls to avoid. Students will strategize how to make sites such as Facebook and Twitter work for your business. The class meets Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and costs $75 for members, $100 for non-members.

A Running Club meets every Wednesday beginning Jan. 20 at 3:30 p.m. Sign-up is required and the fee is $20.

Pete Moe, The Funhouse’s Executive Director, will start a “Mac 101” class that meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m., starting Jan. 20 The class will look at the fundamentals of Apple Macintosh computers – the operating system, e-mail, photos, music, Internet, downloads e-commerce safety, and more. The class runs for 4 weeks, until February 10, and costs $75 for members and $100 for non-members.

On Thursday, Jan. 21, Freddy Hinkle will start a class, “Introduction to Website Design – Basic HTML and CSS will be taught, and students will learn to create unique web pages. Computers will be provided at The Funhouse or students can bring their own laptops. Beginners welcome! The class runs from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. on Thursdays, and costs $45 for members and $55 non-members.

The following week, “The Jazz Experience” will start “The Funtimes Blues Band” open to all 7- to 10-year olds, taught by Willie Thomas, Al Bentley and Emily Miner. The class meets Mondays at 3:30 from Jan. 25 for 12 weeks, followed by a performance at the Orcas Center in May.  The fee is $75, and the Funhouse welcomes scholarship donors at 376-7177.

The Funhouse is also making the Recording Studio available to all. Call KT Laslo at 376-7177 for an appointment.

The Funjouse offers memberships for individuals, families, and a “Granparents’ Annual Special,” for up to eight named individuals. It also offers free admittance to volunteers. Pete Moe says, “Whether you love to work with kids, or are just a kid at heart that likes to tinker with neat stuff; whether you want to come every day, regularly, or just once in a while, the FunHouse has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for everyone in the community.”

The Funhouse also offers regular Volunteer Training on a monthly basis. For more information, contact Whitney Hartzell at 376-7177.

Call 376-7177 to learn about memberships and volunteering, or go to

Howard S. Wright III, Funhouse Board President, says, “When you combine the proactive dynamics of The Funhouse with a great school system, great non-profits and great people, you get a complete, rich, vibrant community. That’s why Kate and I believe so strongly in The Funhouse. By serving people from pre-school age to senior citizens, The Funhouse is like the third essential leg on a stool. It completes the community.”