WSF will implement the 2009 fall schedule beginning Sunday, September 27. Key schedule changes include reduction of service between Anacortes and Sidney, B.C.  Beginning Sunday, Sept. 27the only trip to Sidney will leave Anacortes at 7:45 a.m. daily, with stops scheduled at Orcas at 8:40 a.m. and departing Friday Harbor at 9:30 a.m.

The return trip from Sidney sails at 11:40 a.m. each morning, arriving at Friday Harbor at 1:40 p.m. and at Anacortes at 2:45 p.m.

The new purple schedule can be viewed online at

Last week, the Washington State Transportation Commission announced a 2.5 percent increase in Washington State Ferry fares. The across-the-board fare increase, the first in two years, takes effect Oct. 11.

The Commission approved an increase in general fares, but rejected a proposed 10 percent summer surcharge that would be charged for the months of July and August. The existing 25 percent peak-season surcharge for vehicles, imposed each year from May 1 to the second Sunday in October, remains in effect. The 10 percent surcharge would have been an additional charge.

The entire fare proposal can be found here on the Commission’s Web site.
The Commission approved the following elements within the fare proposal:

  • Applying a 2.5 percent across-the-board general fare increase.
  • Converting the in-need organization discount pilot program into a permanent program.
  • Allowing WSF to collect between 25 to 100 percent of the applicable fare as a non-refundable deposit for advance vehicle reservations on routes with a reservation system. This would be a pre-payment of a portion of or the entire fare and is not an additional fee.
  • Eliminating the tollbooth surcharge for multi-ride fare purchases (which had not been implemented).
  • Moving toward further implementation of tariff equity affecting San Juan inter-island fares by adding 5 percent on top of the 2.5 percent general increase.
  • Allowing WSF flexibility to enter into agreements with fire districts for free passage when on emergency calls in lieu of payment for fire protection services at ferry terminals.
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