PS [Dec. 31]. I noticed that I did not receive the new email today after 5PM, so I looked into it. Turns out the form I had used on the Subscribe page BROKE the posts feed and no email was sent today. As far as I can tell it is fixed, and you should see the posts daily at 5PM, starting tomorrow, New Year’s Day. Every new thing has its problems, so bear with us as we move forward. Oh, and BTW, HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Today [Dec. 30], I switched all daily email subscribers to our new email delivery service, from MailChimp. Over the past several months, we have had a number of issues with some people getting duplicate emails and some not getting them at all. We hope that by using a professional email delivery service that these problems will all go away. Plus, we really like the new format of the email and the fact that it also shows you the links from the previous day (in case you didn’t have time to check them out!)

Please let us know if you have any problems with the new delivery service. Emails will still come from If you experience any problems, or have questions, please feel free to contact me at

Thanks for your support and patience!

Ann Palmer, technical support for OI