One new positive COVID test result has been reported in San Juan County, for an Orcas Island resident. This is the 37th case reported in San Juan County.

Based on comprehensive interviews, it appears there is a connection between this test result and a previous confirmed case. Testing and monitoring are ongoing for all identified close contacts of this most recent case.

Now is not the time for the islands to relax. Cases are increasing drastically across the United States, and the long-expected wintertime surge is upon us.

San Juan County Health and Community Services Director Mark Tompkins emphasizes how critical our individual decisions are, “As we are seeing, the risk is not only initial transmission to the islands, but the potential for community spread when a local case occurs. Our only way to minimize that risk is by making careful decisions on how we interact with others.”

Director Tompkins continues, “Given the lack of cases since August, many of us have relaxed our precautions. Unfortunately, we are now entering a period where growing cases in the country and in our state, as well as loosened safety precautions, may lead to local outbreaks. If we want to hold onto our success as a community in keeping case numbers at bay, being safe and thoughtful has to be the priority.”