There will be three new classes being offered at the Orcas Island Public Library this month.

First up is Intermediate Birding-Summer Birds with Ornithologist/Wildlife Artist Kim Middleton.  Kim will focus on the summer birds of Orcas Island by discussing bird migration, species identification, and where to find them.  Two simultaneous classes will be offered, Wednesdays, March 9th to April 13th from 10am to 1 pm, and Saturdays, March 12th to April 16th from 10am to 1pm.  Each 6 week course will cost $75.oo and space is limited.

Next is Artist’s Book Class for parent and child, presented by Philomena Robinson.  Artist’s Books can be anything — sculpture, wall-hanging, mobile, or whatever you can envision.  They can pop-up, fold out, or spiral out and can contain painting, drawing, paper-cuts, photographs, collage, feathers, bones, or bugs.  Your imagination is the only limitation.  This class size is limited to 8 students, 4 adults and 4 children, 11 years and over.  Each child must be accompanied/partnered with an adult.  This is a 2 part class, Saturdays, March 19th and 26th, from 1:30pm to 4:30 pm.  The cost is $40.00 for each participant, which includes supplies.

“Approaching the Toaster-A Discussion of Modern Times” will be convened by Bob Littlewood.  This class will take a look at the balance between the “rational” and the “intuitive” in our dealings with the world-the uses and claims of science, art (in the broadest sense), and the transcendental possibilities of being human.  The class will include modern discussions of neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology.  The discussions will begin Tuesday, March 29th, and continue April 5th, 19th, 26th, May 3rd, 17th, 24th, and 31st.  The fee for this class is $15.00.

Register for all classes at the library.  Questions?  Contact Kathy Lunde, 376-4985 or