Tuesdays, January 24, 31, February 7, 14, 21, 1 – 3 p.m., Orcas Library

— from JoEllen Moldoff, Facilitator —

“Finally a new word rises from its shell,
And if it cannot rise it calls out, saying
It’s time to be said”… Phillis Levin

“Memoir is a sliver—or slice—of your life experience,” ( Marilyn Bousquin), a lens through which you tell your stories. Memoir writing draws upon imagination as well as recollection. It can be expressed in poetry and/or prose, as well as visually.

Tapping into memories and reflections, we will explore and experiment with various genres that suit the stories we want to tell — from the short (flash) memoir, to prose pieces, poems or personal essays, or any combination of these.

Readings will be provided to stimulate discussion and trigger free-writing in class. Writers will be encouraged to share their works-in-progress each week. It is important, therefore, that each person commit to attend all five class sessions.

If you would like to join the class, please email me at moldoff@rockisland.com by January 11. There is a minimum class size of 10.

All are welcome: poets and prose writers, new and experienced.

Fee: $20, payable at the first class, for copying and donation to the Library.