— from  Douglas Wagoner —

Reps. Rick Larsen (D-WA), Bill Posey (R-FL), Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) and Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) have founded and will serve as co-chairs of the Congressional Estuary Caucus in the 115th Congress. The new caucus will give the nation’s estuaries a stronger voice and presence in Congress by uniting lawmakers in support of these critical ecosystems. 27 House Members from around the nation have joined the new Caucus.

“I have long supported estuary restoration in the Pacific Northwest and around the country, and I am proud to join my colleagues as a co-chair of the Estuary Caucus,” said Larsen. “Estuaries like the Puget Sound are cornerstones of a healthy environment – I will continue working hard to protect these unique habitats and the many species of fish, birds and other wildlife that rely on them.”

“Florida’s Indian River Lagoon is essential to the quality of life, environment, and economy in our State,” said Rep. Bill Posey. “As the most biologically diverse estuary in North America, our lagoon is also an invaluable asset to our nation, and we’re fortunate that communities across the country share our passion and commitment to protecting these delicate ecosystems. I am honored to serve as a co-chair of this bipartisan caucus, which will help promote and protect our nation’s estuaries by ensuring they have an influential voice in Congress.”

“Estuaries are an essential part of the Pacific Northwest environment, sheltering salmon, filtering water, and reducing flooding,” said Rep. Suzanne Bonamici. “In Northwest Oregon, communities recognize the importance of protecting estuaries for environmental health, for economies that rely on fishing and tourism, and for the enjoyment of future generations. I’m proud to be the co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Estuaries Caucus to protect these fragile ecosystems and the many economic and environmental benefits they provide.”

“Protecting and promoting our nation’s estuaries is a shared goal by lawmakers, environmental groups and concerned citizens across the country,” said Rep. Frank LoBiondo. “The Congressional Estuary Caucus represents a bipartisan approach to sound environmental and economic policy.”

The Congressional Estuary Caucus will educate Members and staff on the importance of estuaries to the environment, communities and national economy. The caucus will hold a variety of events throughout the 115th Congress to promote initiatives that play a role in restoring and protecting the health of estuaries.