Lindsay Jennings, Orcas Island Community Foundation

Greetings Orcas Island Community! It’s been a big week for many of us islanders with the unofficial ending of the summer season, the first week of school, and an abundance of dahlias and veggies to harvest. For me, this also coincides with stepping into the role as your new OICF Executive Director.

While I’ve been focused on getting to know Foundation operations and bonding with the team here this week, my onboarding process started informally over the summer. I’ve been fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet many of you who are involved in OICF or one (or several!) island nonprofit organizations and businesses over the summer, and in some ways, it’s felt like being welcomed into the community all over again, and feel the open-hearted generosity and warmth that drew me in six years ago when I moved to Orcas with my family. 

Already this week, I was able to meet the collaborative team of partners including the incredible Dr. Dubek, Orcas Community Resource Center, the Orcas Island Healthcare District, and the County Health Department, who are leading up the launch of the dental clinic – which is soon to have a permanent home here in Eastsound, and working diligently to serve the high demand of neighbors who are in need of dental care. Shout out to Mercy Flights and Marsha Waunch who volunteer to make this critical service available. 

So I begin this adventure with immense gratitude and wonder at the incredible number of dedicated and caring individuals we are surrounded with. I have so many more to meet and form what I hope will be deep and meaningful collaborative relationships with. I suspect I may have a chance to meet a few more folks this weekend at the Hoedown at the Hangar, which is supporting several local organizations.

What drives me and really interests me in this role is getting involved in a bigger way to build a strong and resilient community that continually lifts each other up, rises to meet challenges with creativity and courage, and be responsible stewards of this wondrous isle. 

But it’s not just about me! It’s what we can all do, together. There is no lack of opportunities to get engaged, or reengaged. One upcoming chance is the OICF Introduction to Board Service for community members who are either new to Board Service, considering joining a board, or want to refresh their Board knowledge. This free workshop covers basic responsibilities, leading practices, and how to find a good fit with an organization. The next workshop is Wednesday, September 25th from 3-5pm. Please contact us to reserve a seat. 

I genuinely look forward to more opportunities to connect! Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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