Resilience and Repair:  Reimagining our World — Friday, March 19


As a hub for social organizing and community health, the OrcaSong Institute is committed to facilitating education and fostering conversations that speak directly to the challenges of our world.

To that end, OrcaSong Institute is hosting a daylong virtual educational summit this Friday March 19, entitled ‘Resilience and Repair: Reimagining our World.’

Please join us to hear from the amazing collection of community thinkers, organizers, designers, activists, and artists that we are bringing together.  Throughout the day, they will be sharing about just economy, racial justice, permaculture, disaster preparedness, food security, and sustainable resource management.   Kat Steele (OSI) will be hosting the event and we are honoured to have Maggie Seeley (Transition US), Mark Lakeman (City Repair), Sheridan Noelani Enomoto (NorCal Resilience Network), and Kelli Pearson (the Reimaginary) as presenters. Other special guests include Michael Pilarski (‘Skeeter’), Kevin Ranker, Sarah Severn, Vicki Robin and Caitlin Leck.

Acknowledging the times we are living through – racial injustice, climate and economic instability, and now global pandemics – we hold the belief that coming together to think through joint approaches to our planetary challenges is more important than ever.  The need to consider collectively what localized actions can be taken in order to increase the capacities of people to respond together is crucial.

Our goal is to catalyze community discussion and contribute to the strengthening of networks of community groups and individuals alike, working together to innovate creative solutions to complexity issues.

Our hope is that the event will generate important community discussion about how we might approach repairing the structural and systemic cracks in our local communities that have been exposed by both COVID and these times of general political unrest.

We will emerge from our daylong event with a clearer roadmap with which to understand next steps around grassroots organizing at the community level and how to best utilize the resources, skills, and network of relationships that exist in our respective communities and bioregions.

Join the Conversation – Register Today!

Tickets on eventbrite range from Free to $75  –



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