Kate Wood shares a moment with her horse.

Kate Wood shares a moment with her horse.

Kate Wood of Natural Horsemanship on Orcas is pleased to announce these upcoming workshops:

The Keys to a Horse’s Heart
This three day retreat will open up the doors of communication between you and horses. You will learn the rituals that horses use in the wild to communicate, build herd harmony, promote mutual understanding and establish leadership.

While some may call this ‘Horse Whispering’ Kate sees it as ‘Horse Listening’. This workshop will require you to focus, develop your feel, listen to both the horse and your intuition, use rhythm and work in harmony with the horse. In the process, you will become centered, relaxed and feel rejuvenated from this remarkable experience.

May 3-5, 2013, Cost: $375

Ground Skills & Psychology
This three day retreat is an introduction to Natural Horsemanship that will provide the foundation for all work with horses. You will learn to work with a horse on line and at liberty and have time to develop horse handling skills that will keep you safe. You will learn to how to greet, invite, touch, halter, lead, groom, bridle and saddle a horse with his full cooperation.

You will be guided in horse communication skills, learning to understand what the horse is telling you about his experience, and through better understanding of the horse, you will work discover harmony and willingness in your horse partner.

Nothing is forced, all is done in a gentle way; these are the steps to building a trusting relationship. Time will be spent learning about the psychology of horses, examples of different personalities and levels of reactivity will be seen. You will learning to use your energy, eye contact and movement to influence the horse to relax and stand, or move at the energy level you want.

May 10-12 2013, or June 21-23, 2013,  Cost: $375 Housing available on Farm.

For further information on either workshop, go to www.naturalhorsemanshiponorcas.com