— from Hilary Canty —

The Orcas Island Community Foundation ROCKS!  We just received the 2014 CF Insights Benchmarking Beyond Assets report. CF Insights surveys the nation’s Community Foundations annually and seeks to quantify their impact on their communities regardless of asset size. I am delighted to report that OICF has made the top 10 list in two categories!  We are number 6 on the Most Active Grantmakers and number 5 in the Most Gifts Per Capita. SPECTACULAR!

This ranking reflects the remarkable generosity of our community. The vast majority of our grant funding comes from our donor advised funds and Partners in Philanthropy.  Our Community Grants process makes it seamless for folks to contribute to proposals and participate as Partners in Philanthropy. We have also attracted more Donor Advised Funds by keeping our fees extremely low (and in some cases, for Cornerstone donors, waiving fees altogether). OICF’s goal is to increase the flow of philanthropic support for the entire community. Our high national ranking is a great indicator that we are reaching our goal.  So very happy for our entire community!

By continuing to grow our grantmaking, we increase awareness of the benefits of a healthy Community Foundation. This is key to increasing our assets as well.  In the past year, we have grown both our endowment and our funds under management by over 20%. Thanks to your support, we have developed our infrastructure, policies and practices, giving us the capacity to meet the growing needs of the island.

This is the final weekend for our Annual Grants campaign. So far 40 donors have contributed over $85,000 – truly amazing support for the organizations and programs serving the island. It has been very fun to see Fully Funded popping next to so many of the proposals. If you have not had a chance to check out the Grant Catalog, there is still time! www.giveorcas.org

We will wrap it all up Tuesday afternoon so we can have checks in hand for our Awards Celebration on Thursday, 2-4 in the Madrona Room. Thanks to The Orcas Center for hosting for hosting us again this year. I hope you are able to join us, as it is a great way to hear about so many interesting local programs and enjoy the company of good friends. We promise some yummy snacks as well!

CF Insights Benchmarking Beyond Assets report attached for download.