Resources Available to San Juan County Youth Struggling with Substance Use


Every March, the nation observes National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week, which aims to empower meaningful conversation about drug use and addiction among youth, and raise awareness about services and resources available to children and teens who may be struggling with substance use.

This year, National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week will be observed from March 18 to March 24, and Compass Health would like to use the annual health observance to shed light on services and programs that are making a difference for young community members facing substance use and mental health challenges in San Juan County.

For teens and children who are experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis, Compass Health’s Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) offers short-term crisis intervention and prevention services. Anyone who is physically located in San Juan County is eligible for MCOT services, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay.

The goal of Compass Health’s Mobile Crisis Outreach Team is to support members of the community through immediate crises and connect them with services to prevent future crises and promote well-being.

MCOT services are available 24/7, 365 days a year. To access these services, community members can call 800-584-3578.

For individuals facing mental health and substance use challenges, Compass Health’s Recovery Navigator Program serves as a reliable connection point to services and resources that meet their needs.

Through the Recovery Navigator Program, case managers and peer counselors with lived experience work with each client to develop a treatment plan that is focused on their individual goals, helping them address barriers and access the care and assistance that will allow them to reach those goals.

The Recovery Navigator Program is available to community members of all ages, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. The program accepts family and friend referrals, self-referrals, and referrals from Compass Health’s Mobile Crisis Outreach Team as well as other law enforcement and community response partners.

The Recovery Navigator Program is currently serving 36 clients across San Juan County, and is actively accepting referrals. To speak with someone about the program, community members are encouraged to call 360-200-7660. They can also visit


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