From my experience in the airline industry, after the busy Labor Day weekend is a good time to say “Thank You” and to recognize the team that rose to the summer challenge. As your Executive Director of the Port of Orcas, I’d like to do just that for the hard-working folks who made it happen here at the airport.

  • First, well done to our most customer-facing crew, the Kenmore Air team of Angie, Douglas, Vance, and their terrific group of pilots. On these tough overcrowded holidays, they care and assist as well as anyone in the business!
  • Next, I’m so impressed with the hustle and diligence of the FedEx and Aeronautical teams in handling our island cargo, packages, and shipments. They carry many thousands of your high-priority needs—prescription medications, overnight documents, parts, urgent needs of any kind—and they do it with that “last mile” attention to detail so needed with the complexity of island deliveries.
  • Many of us owe our health and safety to Airlift Northwest, Island Air, San Juan Airlines, Life Flight, and Point to Point. The summer push in travel and island activities means each of these operators sees a significantly increased tempo in flights, and they all do it safely and responsively.
  • And finally, Kim, our Finance Manager who handles the myriad of communications with vendors, San Juan County, Washington State DOT, and the FAA, and James our Facilities Manager who keeps the lights on and grass mowed on our 65-acre Port property. No small feat, and they do it well. Thank You!

Most of all, thanks to you all, our Orcas community, for allowing me to share in our rich history.

From the earliest days of Captains Harold Ferris and Bob Schoen with Island Sky Ferries to of course the legendary Roy Franklin (the original Mercy Flight pilot), Orcas Airport has and will continue to serve as a vital hub for commerce, passenger travel, and medical transportation giving us important options that keep island life safer and the essentials more accessible.

In closing, I invite anyone interested to check in with me at chip@portoforcas.com. I’m happy to answer questions and talk about concerns, perhaps tour the airport, and give me a chance to listen and learn!


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