Adam Stern, to present Music Lovers Seminars in this year's Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival, Aug. 12-26

 A “Music and Poetry Lovers’ Seminar” will serve as a prelude for the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival on Tuesday, August  9th from 6 – 8 pm at St. Francis Catholic Church.

Poetry plays a big part in this year’s Festival.  Major works inspired by four poets will be featured in ”A Poet’s Love” Aug. 12 and 13, “The Archduke” Aug. 16 and 17, and “Multiple Destinations” Aug. 19 and 20.  Well-known Lecturer Adam Stern will discuss the history of poems by Heinrich Heine, Theodor Fontane, Matthew Arnold and Paul Heyse, which influenced composers Robert Schumann, Carl Loewe, Samuel Barber and Hugo Wolf.  What are the challenges when these two art forms are merged?  How does a composer translate poetry patterns into musical rhythms?  How did the times encourage this union?

A surprise guest or two will also make their appearance for this special event. Tuition is $10.  To register, go online to and click on tickets, or call the Box Office 376-2281 Thursday through Saturday, noon to 4 pm.

The Music Lovers Seminars will continue throughout the Festival, and are held the first day of each concert pair, August 12th, 16th, 19th, 23rd and 26th from 9 am – 1 pm.  Guest lecturers and musicians will provide music lovers with fascinating background about the composers and compositions, and seminar participants will attend a closed rehearsal for that evening’s performance.  Tuition is $25.  For specific guest lecturer information, visit and select Season Program, Music Lovers Seminars.

Questions!  Please call the OICMF Office 376-6636.

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