On Saturday, September 9, Orcas Senior Center (OSC) will celebrate National Senior Center Month with a reception at 2 p.m. Featured speakers will include Washington State Representative Debra Lekanoff, San Juan County Council Member Cindy Wolf, and Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) Volunteer Coordinator and Orcas Island Health Care District Commissioner Pegi Groundwater. Please join us at 1:30 p.m. for music by the OSC Ukulele group, refreshments, and for a thought-provoking conversation about state and local efforts to meet the current and future needs of older adults and their families.

With advances in public health, we are living and staying active longer. The needs and interests of older Americans today are different than those of their grandparents. The organization, policies, and services of senior centers must adapt to stay relevant for today’s older population.

OSC is an integral part of our island social services infrastructure. At OSC we emphasize programming that empowers older adults to age well safely and to strengthen mind, body, and spirit connections. Additionally, OSC provides opportunities for people of all ages to volunteer, learn, and grow. From financial planning, CPR training and foot care to yoga classes, swing dance and field trips to walking groups and art classes, OSC is a community hub where older adults find friendship, meaning, and purpose. Additionally, OSC provides opportunities for people of all ages to volunteer, grow, and learn from one another.

Established in 1976 as an advisory committee, OSC has evolved to provide services for aging in place (Home Maintenance and Repair), Companionship (Hearts and Hands and Buddy Check-In), classes and lectures (Meeting of the Minds). 

Working with its partners, OSC is an integral part of our island social services infrastructure. OSC provides health benefits counseling in collaboration with SHIBA and nutritious, low-cost meals in alliance with Whatcom Council on Aging (WCOA).

OSC is an independent nonprofit organization and receives no local tax dollars. To learn more about OSC or donate, see: www.orcasseniors.org or call (360) 376-2677.

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