— from Martha Lum and Molly Troxel, with Mindy Kayl —


The Orcas Island Youth Conservation Corps (OIYCC) was hard at work last week, and the Mountain Lake Trail has emerged newly improved. With guidance from Crew Leaders from the Washington State Trails Association the crew enhanced about 35 feet of trail. This is the third year that the two groups have come together to improve trails in Moran State Park on Orcas Island.

You may have noticed at the north end of the lake, just before the switch backs, there has been a growing wet area every winter. Hikers resorted to moving floating logs to create a makeshift bridge, but as summer arrived and the wetland receded back towards the lake all that was left was a pile of wood, in varying shapes and sizes, and a widening trail around them.

The OIYCC team cleared out the pile of logs and replaced it with a turnpike. Teams of crew members hauled large rocks in rock nets, to nestle up against the side of the trail to support the raised turnpike. Then they carried smaller rocks in buckets, and manned a zip-line that transported bucket loads of dirt from a “borrow pit” on the hillside, to cover the top of the trail. The crew members worked hard as a team, and stayed positive. The WTA crew leaders said the crew’s accomplishments exceeded their expectations, and said they always enjoy working with the island kids.

A grant from the San Juan County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee supports youth crews on the Moran trail system this summer, based on the assumption that visitors from near and far enjoy these trails.


A hiker survey was taken while the crew worked to collect data, and we learned that the park is used both by locals and visitors from as far away from Orcas as Vietnam.

Over the course of 3 days, over 350 hikers were surveyed. They came from 26 different states, 6 countries, and from towns and cities all over Washington State. About 35% of the hikers were camping in Moran State Park, and 30% were staying in paid accommodations.

Others were staying with friends or family, or visiting for the day. All the hikers said they were loving their time at Mountain Lake, and thanked the crew for all their hard work on improving the trail.