from Stan Matthews

The ribbon has been cut on Mount Baker Road. Photo by County Staff

The ribbon has been cut on Mount Baker Road. Photo by County Staff

District One Council Member Bob Jarman cut a ceremonial ribbon to mark the completion of the Mount Baker Road road improvement project on Wednesday, September 25.

The road upgrade project, primarily funded with more than $3.2 million in state and federal grants, added paved shoulders to the road between North Beach Road and Terrill Beach Road, improved the Terrill Beach Road intersection, and constructed a 5-foot wide pedestrian trail leading from North Beach Road to the San Juan County Land Bank Stonebridge Preserve access gate.

The project also replaced culverts, improved the function of the storm drainage system with “Narrow Area Vegetated Filter Strips” to filter and improve the quality of runoff from the road, and it included a wetland mitigation project which enhances a degraded 6-acre wetland on the Land Bank’s Stonebridge Preserve.