On Wednesday, Jan. 7, the county Hearing Examiner found nothing objectionable in an affordable housing development on Shady Lane, according to Orcas Islander John Campbell. The binding site plan for six family homes, proposed by the non-profit organization, Homes For Islanders (HFI), was reviewed by the Hearing Examiner in 12 minutes, said Campbell, who presumes that approval will be forthcoming, upon meeting conditions in the staff report.

Those conditions are to provide affordable housing in accordance with county code, abiding by the site plan, and meeting all agency requirements prior to occupancy.

“This is a dream project, where everything falls into place and works without agony,” said Campbell.

“So far everything has been easy — the zoning, the density bonus — sometimes thinks work like falling out of bed.” The density bonus allows six houses with garages and separate yards within one acre.

Campbell expects to begin construction on the homes this summer.

“We’re looking for more people,” he said of the latest HFI project, where homeowners work in teams to build their own homes. HFI can help interested parties obtain loans through government programs, even if they have had a poor credit record in the past.

The “Woodlands” project, currently under construction off Rosario Road, is the fourth project HFI has undertaken. To view a model of HFI construction, visit the project on San Juan Island, across the street from the library.

For more information, contact Campbell at 376-2035 or email jmc@rockisland.com or go to www.HomesforIslanders.org .

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