From the Friends of Moran State Park

The annual Spring Clean-Up Day needs volunteers!

Itʼs coming soon! The Friends of Moran State Park sponsored annual Spring Clean-up Day is Saturday, April 14 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

With the Park budget cuts and staff cuts, this year it’s crucial that we gather as many volunteers as

possible. There are usually several rangers leading various groups in the park Clean-Up. This year we will have one ranger, and we hope several other volunteers as support to direct the groups of clean-up volunteers. Please consider signing up early at to offer your much needed help!

If you want to support Friends and YOUR Park, this is the day to do it. There is always alot of natural debris to move around and rake up, and itʼs just impossible for our now-smaller Park Staff to get to all of it.

We are fortunate and grateful to once again have our lunch hosted by Pat Muffett and graciously led by Karen and Ken Speck of Cherie Lindholm Real Estate.

During the lunch break Rusell Barsh from Kwaiht will present a botanical lecture.

Please bring your gloves and rakes, if you have them, and weʼll look forward to seeing you early Saturday morning, April 14, at the Cascade Lake Day Use Shelter!