Assistant Ina Drosu, Board member Alyson Stephens and Stacey Lancaster, Head Guide Tom Rubottom, Board member Joe Thoron, and Director Teresa Chocano gather to celebrate ten years of leadership at the Montessori School.

Many friends of Orcas Montessori School met for breakfast on Thursday, February  11th at the Senior Center to celebrate a special anniversary. Head guide Tom Rubottom, Director Teresa Chocano, and Assistant Ina Drosu have been teaching together at the school for ten years.

The occasion provided guests an opportunity to share humorous tales and memories of the past ten years.  Many expressed accolades to Tom, Teresa and Ina for their dedication and skill in creating a rich Montessori environment for young learners on Orcas Island.  All enjoyed a delicious breakfast prepared by chef (and current Montessori parent) Everett Brooks. The program consisted of guest speakers and a phenomenal musical performance by Orcas Montessori alum Paris Wilson. Artist Joe Symons donated some of his crystal glazed pottery as gifts for the trio.

“While I came to Montessori largely by chance, I have been both inspired and humbled by the experience of seeing Dr. Montessori’s methods ring true with such an incredible diversity of children” says Head Guide Tom Rubottom. “I feel exceptionally lucky to have been able to play a role in bringing her work to an island that offers such energy and support to our program.”

The honor breakfast was sponsored by the Orcas Montessori School Board of Directors. Interested parties who were not able to attend are welcome to re-acquaint themselves with the school by scheduling a visit or checking out the school’s website at A new catalog has also been created for those who are interested in making a gift to the school to honor the team for their years of service.

About the Orcas Montessori School

Founded in 1988, Orcas Montessori School on Orcas Island offers a dynamic learning environment for children age 3-6, based on the educational philosophy and method of Dr. Maria Montessori, Italy’s first female physician and a pioneer in childhood education.

Morning-only sessions are Monday through Friday with afternoon-only, and all-day sessions available Monday through Thursday depending on each child’s readiness and classroom availability.