— from Mik Priesz, OIFR Chief —

At approximately 12:50pm, March 9, Orcas Island Fire and Rescue responded to a report of a missing person last seen in the area of Palisades Road in the Rosario area. Nearly fifteen responders, four apparatus, San Juan County Sheriff’s Sergeant Crowe and San Juan County Sheriff Krebbs responded to aid in the search.

The missing person was reported to be suffering from dementia; which further complicates a search effort. Starting at the last known location of the subject and working out to a distance of approximately one mile, search teams conducted an orderly and safe search response. As the search area was being widened and additional resources were being called in, the subject was located nearly three miles from the last known location at approximately 3:10pm. The subject was wet, cold and tired, but otherwise was found to be in good health.

Orcas Island Fire and Rescue would like to take this opportunity to encourage family members and caregivers of those people who have been diagnosed with a cognitive impairment to take steps at home to keep safe. Items such as door locks and alarms, warning signs and GPS tracker shoes or pendants are just some of the tools available. If you would like further information or to discuss any of these options, Orcas Island Fire and Rescue can provide referrals and assistance.

Thank you to the hard working and dedicated team of volunteers. With the rainy and windy conditions and nightfall approaching, locating the missing person as quickly as they did prevented a more serious tragedy.