Other Fee Increases Hit in July

By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

On Tuesday, April 6, the San Juan County Council approved new rates for the County’s solid waste utility. Most of the increases will not take effect until July 1; however one change will take effect ten days after the rate ordinance passed.

The ordinance establishes a $12 minimum fee for all persons dropping off garbage at the transfer stations effective April 16. Practically speaking, this will only affect those dropping off a single can or very small load of garbage.

Currently, the utility charges $8 per can to self-haulers who choose to bring in their garbage by the can. People who bring in two or more cans of garbage already pay more than the minimum fee and will thus not be affected.

Beginning on July 1, the cost per can will increase to $9 and fees on weighed, self-hauled garbage will increase approximately 14% to $335 per ton. The minimum $12 will remain the same.

Total charges per ton for the Town of Friday Harbor and for the state certified franchise hauler, San Juan Sanitation, will also increase approximately 14% to $225 per ton.

Recycling will continue to be accepted at the transfer stations without charge.

The adopted fee ordinance, including the complete fee schedule is available online at: sanjuanco.com/docs/news/2010/swfeeschedule