On May 9th of 2013, Mindy Kayl completed the Department of Ecology training for determining Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM).

Currently,  shoreline regulations base development setbacks on the OHWM. The OHWM is different from “high tide” and the “mean high tide,” which are terms often used to describe various elevations of the shoreline.

With the training, Kayl can help property owners identify the OHWM and interpret county, state and federal regulations, as they apply to each unique parcel.

Mindy Kayl, is a wetlands consultant with a history of cooperation with the department of Ecology, San Juan County Staff and private property owners. You can find out more about Mindy Kayl’s business by visiting her website at www.mindykayl.com. You can find copies of the new shoreline regulations at www.sanjuanco.com.