By Che Blaine, Stin Chah Quah Leht

Melissa Duffy, who used to live on Orcas and helped “save” Madrona Point from the development of 88 condominiums, will be offering Medicine Teachings this Sunday at the Odd Fellows Hall.

The Circle will begin at 5 pm. with a song and prayer circle, then dancing circle, then the teachings and, we are planning a healing ceremony later in the evening. Melissa has been a member of the Red Cedar Circle for many years and has especially studied the ocean teachings and plant medicine teachings.

She wishes to bring out the teachings of SiSiWiss chants for renewal and teachings for strengthening and renewing ourselves; she also wants to bring out some of the spring songs.  Melissa’s medicine name is Ka Awdiggan, “she who brings light to the people”/ “sun shines on you”.

We will be having a potluck throughout the gathering except during the healing ceremony, please bring what you would like to share.  Also, bring medicine instruments and  children are, as always, welcome.