The Orcas Island Garden Club presents Heaths and Heathers: Less pruning, more color by Karla Lortz. Please join Orcas Island Garden Club on Wednesday, September 18, when we welcome Karla Lortz to speak about Heaths and Heathers. After the presentation Karla will have one-gallon plants available for sale for $12, plus tax.

Karla Lortz is the former president of the North American Heather Society and the author of the book Heaths and Heathers: Colors for All Seasons. She owns the mail order nursery and display garden Heaths and Heathers, located on Harstine Island in
Washington. More than 800 cultivars are grown in the nursery.

Karla’s previous presentation to the garden club, in 2019, was well-received. Please join us to learn more about varieties of heaths and heathers, their uses in the landscape, the color of their foliage, and selections that require less maintenance.

The presentation begins at 10 am at the Orcas Center and will be followed by social time. The presentation will also be available via zoom. For a link to the live zoom presentation go to Orcas Island Garden Club Events and click the link below the list of
presentations. The presentation will be recorded. To watch the recorded presentation, go to the link ‘recorded presentations’ under resources on the club website.

Garden club presentations are free and open to the public.


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