Saturday, February 1, 12:00 Noon, Random Howse

— by Lin McNulty —

MikePryceMike Pryce is running for Congress!

A retired U.S. Marine Reserve Lt. Colonel, currently living on Lopez, Pryce has recently thrown his hat into the ring to run against U.S. Representative Rick Larson in the upcoming November election.

You will have the opportunity to meet him at the Random Howse in Eastsound on Saturday at noon.

Pryce is a long-time resident of Western Washington and Lopez Island. A graduate of Western Washington University and King’s College London, he most recently worked in Iraq as Senior Advisor to the Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies.

He has presented and published articles internationally on the subject of genocide prevention. While he retired as an officer in the Marine Corps Reserves with over 15 years on active duty, he has also run his own businesses and held leadership positions in others. He has a breadth of real world experience that runs the gamut from blue collar to academia to international relations.

Mike says, “I’m running for Congress as a 21st Century Republican who is determined to return freedom of choice to each of us, to remove redundant bureaucracy that hinders opportunity, and build a better future for our children while keeping our environment clean and safe.”

Light snacks will be provided.