— from Susan Anderson, Children’s House, updated July 3 —

Jack, the beloved Village Major, will step down when a new mayor is elected on July 4, 2015

Jack, the beloved Village Mayor, will step down when a new mayor is elected on July 4, 2015

Vying for the position of Honorary Mayor of Eastsound, five local politicians (three canines, one caique parrot and an orca), and their supporters have been assiduously buying votes for Village Mayor. The campaign season, officially begun on Sat., May 23 during the annual Pet Parade. It will conclude today, July 4 at 2 p.m. It’s not too late to vote, and to stuff the ballot box!

This year’s candidates include canines Sullie (managed by Hailey Crowe), Bentley (managed by Orcas Arts and Gifts)) and Lewis (managed by Janice Williams and Greg Sawyer.) Rounding out the field is Oliver, a parrot (managed by Jody Fox) and Jpod Southern Resident, Granny (managed by Alex Callen.)

The animals have loyal support from this year’s sponsors, including The Lower Tavern, Orcas Island Sea Glass, Ray’s Pharmacy, Nest and Deer Harbor Charters.

The mayoral race is an annual fundraiser sponsored by and benefiting Children’s House. Voting is open to both islanders and visitors, who “buy” candidates into office by placing as many votes as they want at area polling locations or online. Each vote benefits the toddler and preschool program of Children’s House. The race concludes July 4th when the new Honorary Mayor is named and given a key to the Village.

Over the last several years, mayoral candidates – including dogs, cats, chickens, sheep, bunnies, and beloved bovine April – helped raise more than $36,000 for the school. The goal is to top $10, 000 this year.

The election process wraps up Sat., July 4 at 2 P.M. when the votes are tallied. Minute-by-minute updates are posted live at the Children’s House Mayoral Race booth in the Farmers Market.

Current Mayor Jack (a Golden Retriever)  won the 2014 mayoral race campaigning successfully as the “Blind Visionary.” He was Sponsored and Managed by owners of Jillery, which is where you’ll find him hanging out most days of the week.

Despite a lot of back-biting, some squawking and occasional splashing, the Honorary Mayor’s race is always good-natured and offers both the community and island visitors an opportunity to support an establishment committed to early childhood education. Children’s House is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit.

For additional details on the race visit www.oich.org and follow ChildrensHouse1 on Twitter.