— from Susan Anderson, Children’s House —

Mayoral Hopeful Lewis.

Cutline: Candidate Lewis (short on legs but long on personality) poses with one of his youngest supporters.

Vying for the position of Honorary Mayor of Eastsound, five local politicians (four canines and and a newt), officially hit the campaign trail Sat., May 28th during the annual Pet Parade.

This year’s candidates include canines Khaleesi (managed by Chantelle and Storm Hildreth), Lewis (managed by Stacey Dow,) Ollie (managed by preschooler Grant and Daphne Tyree) and Madrona “Moe” (managed by Judy Worley.) Rounding out the field is Sir Isaac Newt’n, an aquatic amphibian that morphs through three distinct developmental life stages. Sir Isaac is managed by Jackie Daigle and Sandi Talt.

The animals have loyal support from this year’s sponsors, including Windermere, Vacation Doorways, Islander’s Bank, Brown Bear Baking and Friends of Moran State Park with Rosario Resort.

The mayoral race is an annual fundraiser sponsored by and benefiting the preschool early learning center, Children’s House. Voting is open to both islanders and visitors, who “buy” candidates into office by placing as many votes as they want at area polling locations or online. Each vote benefits the toddler and preschool program of Children’s House. The race concludes July 2nd this year when the new Honorary Mayor is named and ceremoniously given a key to the Village.

Over the last several years, mayoral candidates – including dogs, cats, chickens, sheep, bunnies, and mayors bovine April and orca Granny – helped raise more than $50,000 for the school. The goal is to exceed $10, 000 this year.

Current Mayor Granny will not be seeking a second term and has yet to reveal which candidate she’ll support. A full travel schedule kept her from making an appearance at the parade.

Despite a lot of back-biting, some squawking and occasional splashing, the Honorary Mayor’s race is always good-natured and offers both the community and island visitors an opportunity to support an establishment committed to early childhood education.

For additional details on the race visit www.oich.org and follow ChildrensHouse1 on Twitter.