— from Susan Anderson, Children’s House —

On the mayoral campaign trail, the canine candidates have been calling into question the fitness of Sir Isaac Newt’n to be mayor, insisting he’s too “thin skinned” to sustain the rigors of public office. The newt, however, isn’t biting. “Canines on #OrcasMayorRace are newtphobic clear and simple!” tweeted Sir Isaac. “Not only am I currently fit, I am the only candidate who can regenerate limbs while in office!” Behind in the popular vote, the newt has a strong following with environmentalists who give him the best opportunity for an upset.

Elsewhere on the campaign trail, the Preschooler demographic – best known for voting with gut instinct – is solidly behind Ollie, the Bichon Frise/Zhitshu. “I like his face,” said one four-year-old intuitively. In another highly respected poll, Ollie also rated high with the assisted-living crowd. Analysts believe if these two constituencies can get to the polls, Ollie has a solid chance of stealing the show from current leader Khaleesi, closely chased by Lewis.

Madrona meanwhile has been racking up some notable endorsements, including one by Kt Hendrie, president of the Orcas Animal Protection Society, issuing this official press release: “Moe is an extraordinary canine citizen.” Known for donating her time socializing shelter dogs waiting to find permanent homes, Moe is also completing her certification to be a therapy dog “She is one of the most generous and hard-working dogs on the island,” claims Hendrie.

The Afghan Hound appears to be winning favor with voters through a mixture of local appeal and a broad-base following on Facebook. Supporters in the Lewis camp, however, are drawing attention to campaign irregularities in the Hounditarian’s official filing. Due to what she explains as “a simple clerical error” at registration, Khaleesi was originally registered as “Khalessi,” which may cause legal issues down the line. And now Lewis is demanding the Japanese-born Khali define her foreign policy stance. “Voters deserve to know,” barked Lewis at a recent meeting with his constituents.

Underdog Lewis is seen as the candidate who wants his cake (and can eat it too), and Khali the beautiful candidate backed by a highly promising performer who endlessly sings her candidate’s praises. Throughout the race, the two are expected to run neck and neck — but many predict Khali to win by a nose.

The mayoral race is an annual fundraiser sponsored by and benefiting Children’s House which hopes to raise $10,000 this year. Voting is open to both islanders and visitors, who “buy” candidates into office by placing as many votes as they want at area polling locations, the Farmer’s Market or online via oich.org. Each vote benefits the toddler and preschool children of Children’s House. The race concludes 2 p.m., July 2.

Vote, follow the election and download the Voter’s Guide via www.oich.org.

Here’s an overview of the five candidates on the campaign trail.

MadronaCandidate: Madrona “Moe” (Labradoodle)
Sponsor: Brown Bear Baking
Owner/Manager: Judy Worley
Favorite Restaurant: Madrona Bar & Grill
Dog Scoop: Born a Lopezian, “Moe” immigrated to Orcas when she was 8 weeks old. She prefers the company of children to adults and highlights several top issues, including establishing a new dog park, mediation classes for dogs and cats and a Dog Information Center for visiting canines to learn about the best places for squirrel chasing, dog treats or doggy play dates.
Unique Qualities: A natural athlete, Moe is fast on her feet and a discerning wrestler with dogs of any size.
Follow her: (to the bakery) and on Facebook at https://tinyurl.com/MissMoeWorley

NewtNCandidate: Sir Isaac Newt’n (Newt)
Sponsor: Rosario Resort and Friends of Moran State
Manager: Jackie Daigle and Sandi Talt
Slogan: May the Forces and the Forests Be With You!
Dog Scoop: Slick, sharp-tongued and small, Newts have been around the block a few million times. Sir Isaac knows a thing or two about environmental issues. He educates people about the nuances of Newts from his classroom in the Newtarium at the Summit Learning Center on Mt. Constitution.
Unique Qualities: Regenerative limbs, eyes, spinal cords, hearts, intestines and upper and lower jaws.
Follow him: (to the Summit) and on Facebook @ friendsofmoran.statepark

OllieCandidate: Ollie (Bichon Frise and Zhitshu)
Sponsor: Islander’s Bank
Owner/Manager: Grant and Daphne Tyree
Shoe-in with: The Senior-age Demographic. Ollie lives in an elder care facility with an expanded loving family, ages 4 to 103.
The Scoop: Ollie is originally from Olympia. A true giver with a big heart, he strives to make Orcas a special place to live and raise children and animals – a place where everyone feels welcome.
Top Issues: Establishing a safe, healthy and affordable home for all families.
Tidbit: Two siblings in Ollie’s family attended Children’s House, where he says, there’s “awesome teachers and fun.”
Follow him: Wherever preschoolers gather.

KhaleesiCandidate: Khaleesi (Afghan Hound)
Sponsor: Windermere Real Estate
Owner/Manager: Chantelle and Stormy Hildreth
Campaign Slogan: “Queen Khaleesi, making Orcas Island as beautiful as me!”
Top Issues: Developing pet-friendly policies and animal rescue. She additionally wants to improve access to businesses for dogs and owners.
Dog Scoop: Sick and just hours from dying, “Khali” was rescued from the streets of Okinawa, Japan by a group of people from Doggies, Inc. She eventually landed on Orcas where she lives with her furever family. The Hounditarian supports animal rescue and the little known “Children Reading to Dogs” program.
Unique Qualities: Intense interest in small, medium and large prey-like creatures, which “I explore with a very long and gorgeous nose.”
Follow her on Facebook: tinyurl.com/khaleesi4mayor

LewisCandidate: Lewis (Corgle)
Sponsor: Vacation Doorways
Manager: Stacey Dow
Campaign Slogan: Lewis for All Creatures Great and Small
Top Issues: Dog park expansion and fresh water bowls (and treats) at all Eastsound businesses.
Orcas Scoop: Born in Washington, the 12-year-old once lived in Alaska but eventually found his way back home to the state he loves and adopted his manager and her furry menagerie. Lewis loves everybody and everything – most importantly birthday cakes. He believes in “Equal treats for everyone!”
Unique Qualities: Lewis is short on legs but big on personality.
Follow him on Facebook: https://tinyurl.com/Lewis4Mayor