Just in time for Christmas, Martin Lund has a new CD out! Entitled “Sentimental Journeys,” it captures the romance of travel, via planes, trains, boats, and automobiles.

Martin Lund has a new CD "Sentimental Journey." Party with Martin at Darvill's next Sunday, Dec. 14

Martin Lund has a new CD “Sentimental Journey.” Party with Martin at Darvill’s next Sunday, Dec. 14

The disc includes such favorites as “Slow Boat to China,” “Little Deuce Coupe,” “City of New Orleans,” the title track, and so many more, all done in the inimitable Lund style.

Vocals, instrumentals, guest artists including JP Wittman, Gail Pettis, Moqui and Jaz Lund, Tony Morales, Charlie Porter, Nancy Rumbel and more (Martin even sings one track!), there is something for everyone.

You can get signed copies for everyone on your gift list and hear the tunes at Darvill’s on Sunday, Dec. 14th at 2 p.m.