Thursday, October 11, 5:00 p.m. at the Community Church

Mark O’Neill

Mark O’Neil, a 17 year Orcas resident, will share his amazing story of a journey from cancer to life abundant, with the Cancer Support Group.  The meeting will be on Thursday, October 11, at 5:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room of Orcas Island Community Church.

Mark was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in March of 2000.  He will talk about his cancer, overcoming fear, survival guilt, and the “humor infusion” he received in the hospital.  His life since this event is nothing short of astonishing.

Mark works for Orcas Sewage Design and is a volunteer firefighter.  He works with Lance Armstrong’s “Live Strong Foundation” — Mark has a video online.  He is credentialed as a ski and snowboard instructor and is a Mountaineer Guide. Mark works with children and adults with physical disabilities by teaching summer and winter sports.  He coaches disabled military vets online.

If your life has been touched by cancer, whether as a patient, caregiver, friend, or family, don’t miss this meeting of shared joy and encouragement.  It will be a truly uplifting experience.  For further information call Bogdan or Carol at 4198.