
Shannon Everett examines the fucus (rockweed) for herring eggs as teacher Marta Branch looks on. April, 2011

Thursday, March 15, 4:30- 6 p.m., Eastsound Fire Hall


The Indian Island Marine Health Observatory and Kwiaht invite you to A Marine Invertebrate High Tea, a slide show featuring Indian Island invertebrates.

With original music by Sharon Abreu and Mike Hurwicz and fine treats from Sugar Baby Specialty Cakes, enjoy specimens and displays by Marta Branch’s Marine Science students.

Field and research schedules for the upcoming low tide season will be presented, followed by SeaDoc’s marine lecture series at 7. “Bears to Barnacles: Incredible Animals of the Salish Sea.” Joe Gaydos, wildlife veterinarian and chief scientist of the SeaDoc Society, speaks on the web of life in our coastal ecosystem.