Tuesday, May 21, 5 p.m., North Beach/Mt. Baker Road to Village Green

— from Cindy Wolf for Orcas Women’s Coalition —

This Tuesday, May 21st at noon local time (but we are going to do it at 5 p.m. so more working people and students can show up) at statehouses, town squares, and courthouses across the nation, people  will show up to speak out and fight back against this unconstitutional attempt to gut Roe and punish women.

Together we say: Stop the bans.

Gather at 5 p.m. at the intersection of North Beach Rd. and Mount Baker Rd. for a march to the Village Green ending in a rally on the Village Green.  We will be asking Planned Parenthood to send a speaker who can give us some help understanding how the legal fight to protect our rights is likely to proceed.

It is short notice, though, so bring your signs and your marching shoes and we will bring the information one way or another.