A pair of swallows at the doorway to Dragonfly Gardens

A pair of swallows at the doorway to Dragonfly Gardens

by Janice Richardson

Observing the web of life and the intricacies of nature has become a passion of mine. I’m particularly moved by the phenology or timing of things. The notes on my calendar track the patterns that cycle through each year. With the advent of the winter solstice and the increase in daylight there is a quickening of the life force that energizes nature.  I imagine that even seeds can feel it.  The potatoes in my cupboard start sending their shoots on a mission to find the light. Every time I open the cupboard they call to me to plant them and my green thumb starts to itch. This happens at about the same time every year and lets me know the gardening season will soon be here.

Mid-winter in early February marks the return of the first songbird scouts to the forest around my house. They sing their solos on those beautiful crisp blue-sky mornings that makes a person want to open up the house and do a spring cleaning. These songbird melodies are nature’s yearly wake up call to come out of hibernation.

To read more of Janice Richardson’s article, go to “Gardening” at the “In Depth” pages.

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