Every Orcas and Waldron public school student is eligible to submit entries for the First Ever OISD Student Chef Competition.  The Farm to Cafeteria Committee needs to received your recipe for the greatest sandwich, soup, dessert, casserole, meatloaf, pasta, omelet, granola, salad or taco in the world by March 19!

Students need to submit a detailed menu which includes ingredients and cooking methods, along with a photo of the item you will be preparing in the competition (if possible and advisable) as well as a written overview of why you feel this item is appropriate, it’s nutritional value, its practicality as an item on the school lunch menu and any other information that will entice its selection to compete. We would also like a short bio of yourself.  Be sure to include your name, grade, and contact information.

For complete information on submitting an entry and more details of the competition, go to www.orcasislandf2c.org  and click on “Student Chef Competition” to download the guidelines.