from Paul Kamin
Eastsound Water Users Association

EWUA has had several members call today, Friday Aug. 31, reporting a slight color in their water.

The color has been found to be from a higher than normal manganese level. Our investigation has determined that the Purdue Lake Treatment plant is the source of the manganese, and we have implemented changes to the treatment regime to address the elevated manganese. We have also reduced the flow of water from the treatment plant and are depending on our well sources while we attempt to flush out any remaining manganese issues. While any color in our water is undesirable, there is no public health issues associated with manganese, the source of this color.

I apologize for this trouble. We expect that we should see substantial improvement before this evening and have cleared the system of any remaining manganese effects by Saturday.

However there is a confluence of circumstance that have created a challenge to our water system this weekend that we could use your help with.

We are basically at the “last weekend of the summer”, and our primary water storage tanks are not currently full. Reducing the flow of water from Purdue will further strain our storage tanks over this long weekend. We are also using extra water to flush water mains when we have a report of off-colored water. Flushing further reduces our water storage reserves. We’d like to ask EWUA members to postpone any elective water use until after the Labor Day weekend. “Elective water use” would include car washing, outdoor irrigation, refilling a pool or hot-top, power washing the deck and such.

If you are having troubles with your water this weekend, EWUA’s emergency pager is 425-388-2500. Enter a return phone number and an EWUA staff member will get back to you quickly.

Again, I apologize for any trouble.