–from Terry Johnson —

The MAN MADE exhibition currently showing at the Orcas Center is by local men artists that are seldom seen in local venues. Men artists are not prone to wave their own flag about their work, but rather we do our work…give a Neanderthal grunt of “me do good,”  and then file the work away in storage places. However, the current exhibition may spark a deserved interest in what is happening with men-generated art on Orcas.

Okay, the highlights of the show?…most definitely Dwight Dukes diptych “REFLECTIONS” (meant to be shown side by side) of gun-powder-generated images on venetian plaster that are barely representational and brought to a result that is both serendipitous and intentional at the same time. It is unfortunate that the diptych was not given a better viewing space. Duke’s bronze sculpture is also a tour d’ force laden with metaphors, and should be placed in the middle of the foyer.

John Berry’s “FREDA” is a beautiful painting that should be studied for it’s use of both paint  and drawing techniques. The two techniques compliment one another and the resulting painting is one done by an accomplished artist. I hope to see more of his work in future exhibitions.

Bob Mattox’s “APPLES” is another head turner of faultless painting, so well done in both  exploratory technique and sensitive tonality. (Where have these guys been hiding?)

I’m commenting here on the fine arts only in the MAN MADE show in the foyer of Orcas Center. There are other artists and artisans that are presenting very good pieces, but I’m not commenting on the crafts. Exhibitions of this caliber are long over due, and hopefully the visual arts committee will be scheduling some singular shows in the future. There are a lot of themes to ponder.

Terry Johnson is an Orcas resident and former full professor from Cornish College in Seattle.