–a review by Lin McNulty —

MamaWontIt starts as a quick flight from Alabama to California for a family wedding. Then Mama, Norleen (Lesley Liddle), announces at the last minute that she won’t (as in no, no way, she “will not”) fly. That means that meddlesome Mama and her lonely, workaholic, wannabe-independent daughter Savannah (Luann Pamatian) will be spending four days together in a car on a cross-country road trip. Sounds a bit uncomfortable, but doable. Right?

Wrong! It immediately becomes complicated by the unanticipated addition of Hayley (Rebecca Herman), the whacko bride-to-be whom they have never met before–who carries quite a history of bad luck with her wherever she does. And then there are all the things Mama wants do along the way, including some sort of family reunion thing in Texas that gives the audience further insight into of the roots of this bonkers family. Not to mention the unplanned and unbelievable (until you see them happen right in front of you) situations and events that just seem to pop out of nowhere.

Lesley Liddle and Luann Pamatian are recognized masters at comedic timing. They set the bar at a height to which each member of the cast was able to vault completely over the top!

In a production with 24 characters, portrayed by 16 actors, it is often confusing to see a new character introduced by an actor you have just seen as someone else. Only good acting and excellent costuming can cause the required suspension of disbelief so the audience is convinced they are seeing someone new on the stage. This cast and crew combination pulled it off beautifully.

I am tempted to outline the story because it is so riotously funny on its own. But that’s what this amazing group of actors is for — to actually show and share with you this raucous road trip.

“Mama Won’t Fly” opens on Friday, February 20th with additional performances on February 21, 27, 28 and March 6,7,8. All performances are at the Grange and start at 7:30 pm.

Tickets are $10 and are available at Darvills, on-line at www.orcasactors.com and at the door. This play is suitable for all ages. For additional information, contact Doug Bechtel at 360-317-5601.