Contributed by Samara Shaw

On Saturday, July 17th, Help us Make The Shift

The Shift:  A planetary evolutionary movement, away from greed, away from fear, away from struggle… away from all that keeps us from the light of our true selves.

On Saturday, July 17th, in solidarity with The Mayan Elders and millions of others around the globe, we will join our hearts in celebration of Unity. We will gather at Odd Fellows Hall on Orcas Island from 4 p.m. to midnight, to help facilitate what has become known by the Mayans as, “The Shift of the Ages,” or simply, “The Shift.”

The weekend of, July 17th -18th, 2010, marks a continuation of a 1987 global event (The Harmonic Convergence), where millions also gathered. The Harmonic Convergence, and the upcoming July 17th and 18th event (The Conscious Convergence), are just the beginning of a series of significant evolutionary shifts, leading up to the Mayan Calendar end date of 2012.

The Harmonic Convergence of ‘87 was largely facilitated by a man named Jose Arguelles, author of The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, and founder of The Foundation for the Law of Time. The Conscious Convergence, spearheaded by a man named Carl Johan Calleman, author of The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, marks another significant time period in Human evolution.

We invite you to stop by Odd Fellows Hall around 4p.m. and join in a Soundscape Visioning Session with Benyamin Sheppard, get a massage, experience a healing modality you’ve never tried before, make music, dance…. create…

Saturday’s Schedule:

4 -5 p.m.    Soundscape Visioning Music with Benyamin Sheppard

5 -7 p.m.    Massage, Vibrational Medicine, Bodywork, Art -Making (by donation)

7 -8  p.m.   Potluck Diner – raw veggie garden food especially welcome!

8 –Midnight  Music, Featuring, Dustin Fox, The Dust Bunnies, Freddy Hinkle, Ben Sheppard, drumming, and more.