Monday, March 20, 1 – 2 p.m., Senior Center

— from Jami Mitchell, Senior Services Specialist, Senior Center

Having a Will, Advance Directive, and Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care and Finances may not be enough. Considering all the tasks that fall into the lap of one’s Executor, creating an addendum to a Will can make it unnecessary for an Executor to search for account numbers and customer service contact information.

Virginia Erhardt has created a scrubbed version of such a document to share with friends.  This document includes the additional information and instructions that will inform a Will’s Executor of all the necessary tasks, how to accomplish them, and the order in which it would be important to address these matters.

The Orcas Island Senior Center will present this workshop on Monday, Mar. 20, from 1 – 2 p.m., at the Senior Center in Eastsound.

The material presented will cover advance funeral arrangements, dealing with probate of a Will, and information/documents an Executor needs in order to complete the processing of financial details of an estate.

This class is free for Senior Center members and $5 for non-members. Please sign up at the Senior Center’s front desk or by calling 376-2677.