— by Margie Doyle —

Dear Readers,

As most of you know, as of July 16, we are now sending out the “Headlines” via email to all those who have subscribed with payment to Orcas Issues either through the PayPal “Subscribe” button at the top left-hand side of the site, or by mailing payments to PO Box 582, Eastsound WA 98245.

There are no more “free” subscriptions. HOWEVER, if you have sent us payment through any method, and are NOT getting the daily headlines of all the latest posts through your email, would you please be so kind as to send a quick message to editor@theorcasonian.com, and we’ll make sure you’re on the list of Daily Headline Subscribers.

We’ve been working diligently on this, and thanks to your response, we have increased our paid subscribers by almost 300% since April. Thank you!

That has enabled us to update our technology and to hire two paid summer interns (more about them soon!) It is our pleasure and our passion to inform the community and provide a conduit for us to help and enjoy each other. How many can say that in today’s world? Thank you sincerely!