The feature wall this month at the Orcas Island Artworks is dedicated to Maria Papdemetriou’s magical assemblage collages.

Maria Papademetrious

“In my Art, I like to capture the beauty of castaway objects and faraway places I have lived. Different mediums allow me to express different ideas. These pieces started their journey on the island of Rhodes in Greece in 2016, on a balmy winters day in a small village called LAHANIA, the home of my ancestors. For 6 years these pieces sat unfinished until recently, when I unearthed them and decided the time had come to breathe new life into them to complete their journey here on ORCAS ISLAND.

These collages are fragments of my subconscious dreams. Every piece is an effort to unearth these dreams…to find meaning in life through the inspiration of everyday occurrences. With these recent works, I strive to breathe life into my past, present and future. They are a labor or LOVE. These pieces represent the fragmentary passages that reside with the conscious and the subconscious spaces of my thoughts…the in between spaces that I see, but sometimes do not notice. I view each piece as being part of a single ongoing work… My INNER VISION and OUTER LIFE.” –Maria Papademetrious

The Artworks Is open daily from 10 to 5 www.orcasartworks.com.


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