— from Steve Smith for Madrona Voices —

Madrona Voices is operated by Steve and Jennifer Smith of Orcas Island. It is where research and surveys of interest to the community are posted.

We considered creating a pro/con report. However, what some people consider a pro, others might
consider a con. We don’t want to tell you how to vote. We know intelligent and well-informed people on both sides of this issue. We have worked hard to research all of the information you find here and on our website.

We have talked to our fellow islanders, to the providers, and to the candidates. The perspectives below are some we have heard and read. They may seem like valid ideas to some and unreasonable to others.

We list them here simply as points to ponder as you decide what the correct vote is for you and our
community. We write them in the form of questions, as it is up to you to consider whether or not each is a reason to vote either FOR or AGAINST the PHD.

  • Do you think that, without the PHD, our current health care providers (or new ones) and staff
    will provide care on-island, even though they can make more money elsewhere? Do you think
    the current health care providers and staff are paid too much, too little, or about right?
  • Do you think that there will be primary care providers on-island, if the PHD isn’t established?
  • Do you think that someone will operate a cash-only, no-insurance-accepted clinic, if the PHD
    does not pass? Would that cash-only clinic meet your needs? Do you think it would meet the
    needs of the community?
  • Do you think that your health care needs will be adequately met, if the PHD does not pass?
  • Both Dr. Shinstrom and Dr. Russell subsidized their clinics in the form of time. Those who
    supported the OMF-funded clinic often did so with cash. Do you think donors will continue to
    subsidize, in either time or cash, like they have in the past?
  • Do you like or dislike the policies of the probable PHD-funded providers?
  • Do you feel that the benefits you receive from having a PHD are worth the higher taxes?
  • Do you think the commissioners that are likely to be elected, if the PHD passes, will support the
    people or things you want supported?
  • Do you trust that the elected commissioners will set the levy responsibly and spend the money
  • If you like or dislike the sales pitch of either the “pro-PHD” or “anti-PHD” camps, is that reason
    enough to vote “yes” or “no” on having a PHD?


Madrona Voices is operated by Steve and Jennifer Smith of Orcas Island. It is where research and surveys of interest to the community are posted.