— from Steve Smith for Madrona Voices —

Madrona Voices released a survey about the Port of Orcas Master Plan on July 30, 2018. As of August 5, 2018, we have received 594 responses. The demographics of those responding to the survey closely match those who responded to our public hospital district surveys.

The surveys conducted by Madrona Voices regarding the public hospital district prior to the April 2018 vote predicted that 76% (+/- 5%) of the vote would be in support of the district. The actual final vote result was 76%. This means that those who answered our surveys were a representative match for those who voted. The same is true for this airport survey. We believe that the results of this survey are representative of what the community

Two primary findings from our airport survey:

  1. A large portion of the comments demonstrates that the respondents believe that the Port of Orcas intends to expand the airport in order to accommodate more aircraft and larger aircraft.
  2. A large portion of the respondents do not trust the commissioners to act in the best interest of the community.

Madrona Voices is not affiliated with the Port of Orcas. You can read more about who Madrona Voices is, why we do these surveys, and how we do the surveys on our website

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