by the Orcas Island Food Bank and Madrona Club

Madrona Club members (L-R) Marcia Spees, Louise Boone and Leith Templin taught Food Bank guests at the luncheon how to make “Island Stew” on March 1.

Madrona Club members (L-R) Marcia Spees, Louise Boone and Leith Templin taught Food Bank guests at the luncheon how to make “Island Stew” on March 1.

Through supporting the Food Bank over many years, members of the Madrona Club of Orcas Island came to realize that some Food Bank clients may not have adequate cooking facilities, time, and/or experience to prepare “from scratch” meals. After much discussion, they came up with the idea of providing basic cooking and slow-cooker (commonly referred to as Crock Pot®) lessons with the emphasis on creating delicious and nutritious soups, stews and one-dish meals utilizing  ingredients commonly available at the Food Bank. After attending classes, participants will receive a free slow-cooker.

The first demonstration/lesson took place on Tuesday, March 1, at the regular Community Lunch for Food Bank clients put on by various churches in the community.  Those interested were shown how to make “Island Stew” with all ingredients available at the food bank. Two more demos/lessons will occur at the Community Lunches on March 8 and March 15. Prospects for continuing the program will then be assessed based on response from the participants.

Sampling the finished stew - recipe by Madrona Club member Amy Cole

Sampling the finished stew – recipe by Madrona Club member Amy Cole

The Madrona Club of Orcas Island, chartered in 1906, is a small social, cultural and civic service women’s organization and the oldest continuing nonprofit on the island.  Many of the organizations which form the tapestry of our community on Orcas today were given major boosts in their development or have their roots in the Madrona Club.  To list a few:  The Garden Club; the Orcas Public Library; the Medical Center; and Orcas Center, as well as the consolidation of schools leading to our present public school incarnation.