It is with great pleasure that the Orcas Island Education Foundation announces that it has been awarded a $3000 grant from the Madrona Club’s Robin DiGeorgio Endowment to support AOK (Art for Orcas Kids).  The mission of the Robin DiGeorgio Endowment is “to fund charitable and educational endeavors.”

Robin was a longtime Orcas Island resident, living in Doe Bay for more than three decades.  She was a skilled gardener and a highly gifted artist who donated countless hours to the island community, giving her time and talents to many local organizations, including the Madrona Club where she served as president for many years.

It is the Madrona Club’s hope that Robin’s generous legacy will make a difference in the lives of those individuals and groups who receive funds from this special endowment.

Brook Meinhardt, AOK program director/teaching artist, was overwhelmed by this unexpected gift.  “”AOK is so very grateful to be receiving the generous gift from the Madrona Club. As a teaching artist I have seen firsthand the joy AOK classes have brought to Orcas Island children, especially in these past trying 10 months. Children who don’t usually enjoy art have flourished, and the art they are all producing is outstanding.”

The Robin DiGeorgio gift will help Brook continue the mission of bringing art to our public schools and will help creativity thrive in all students who are touched by AOK.  Thank you to the Madrona club, and to the legacy of Robin DiGeorgio.