The Council declared October 2024 as National Disability Employment Month. They got a letter from two advisory committees supporting the resolution in opposition to the state-wide ballot initiative 2117 that if passed would reduce funds for transportation, wildfire prevention, and clean air and water efforts. The council later adopted the resolution. After a public hearing the council approved the sale of its interest in the Orcas Senior Center, which exercised its right to buy county shares.

The Interim Deputy Director of the Depart of Community Development briefed the council on proposed amendments to the land use tables to clarify that changes in code requiring vacation rentals permits and limits on the permits apply to village commercial areas in Eastsound and Lopez village. The department will review if any text amendments are needed. The Council discussed whether to move forward with proposed code changes for Eastsound lighting. The PA recommended holding off on such changes to code while a wider review was ongoing. The council decided to move toward putting in Dark Skies standards countywide as part of the code review process.

The Community Water Taxi program briefed the Council on their activity since the collapse of inter-island service in August 2023. They presented their own data on the services provided in the last year+ and from a survey 695 respondents on the impact of ferry problems. They provided over 900 rides in the period, and despite WSF statements that service has stabilized, usage was greatest in the last four months, with July being the heaviest, but August and September still showing high use. Many county residents have shifted medical care to the mainland and avoid inter-island travel due to fear of being stranded.

The council approved an RFP inviting social service agencies to apply for $300,000 in available funds to provide housing case management services for county residents. The council approved Home Fund grants of $180k to the Lopez Community Land Trust, $520k to Opal, and $ 700 to the SJI Home Trust for a total of $1.4 million for affordable housing construction.

The Council set a public hearing for October 22 for the Transportation Improvement Plan and reviewed some of the projects that were added or removed. The Advisory committee advised prioritizing projects supporting bicycle paths. The Jackson Beach Barge Landing and a Salmon Recovery project are scheduled together as the barge landing will use mitigation credit provided by the other project.

There will be a public meeting on Tuesday October 9 at 6:30 pm on Lopez to discuss public safety and hunting.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization encourages informed participation in government. The Observer Corps attends and takes notes at government meetings to expand public understanding of public policy and decisions. The notes do not necessarily reflect the views of the League or its members.