The Board of Health heard a report on the Early Learning Program in the county. Orcas has four licensed programs and no waitlist for 3–4-year-olds. One program will be opening up new slots for infant care and toddlers. On San Juan Island there are several providers, two of which are licensed, and all providers have waiting lists and challenges finding enough staff. The SJI school district is standing up new pre-K programs. Lopez has two providers, one of which is licensed. There is no infant care on either San Juan Island or Lopez. The county is working with providers to get licensed, then evaluated for ranking against standards and then seeking to improve interactions between the caregivers and the children. Improving compensation for early childcare providers will be key to meeting staffing challenges.

Community Health services gave a mid-year update on their programs. In 2023 they set up a new mother and child program that is serving 51% of eligible families. The Women Infants and Children (WIC) program is serving 1/3 of infants in the county and now has a Spanish-speaking breastfeeding counselor.

Vaccinations and especially school vaccinations are going well with vaccination rates higher than before the pandemic. There have been no reported cases of measles, and the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine uptake has been high, but the county is likely to see some cases eventually.

Respiratory infections are a major category of communicable disease with 2023 numbers similar to 2022. Of general communicable diseases reported in the county, 30% are viral hepatitis, 30% are enteric, 12.5% are vector infections, 7.5% are zoonotic, 12.5 % are tuberculosis, and 7.5% are other. For sexually transmitted infections there were increases of chlamydia and syphilis cases and a drop in gonorrhea cases. County health has seen an increased need for reproductive health services and is doing more STI testing and treatment including expedited partner therapy and for contraception and emergency contraception. The Health Department and the Board of Health approve expanding STI testing and treatment and the initiation of contraception and provision of emergency contraception to their standing orders. The Board approved the request.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization encourages informed participation in government. The Observer Corps attends and takes notes at government meetings to expand public understanding of public policy and decisions. The notes do not necessarily reflect the views of the League or its members.

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