— from the League of Women Voters of the San Juans —

The League of Women Voters of the San Juans will discuss the hot topic, “Money in Politics” on Monday, January 18, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the San Juan Island Library. The public is welcome.

If the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision of 2010 made you even more concerned about the amount of money spent in politics, this is a great way to learn more. To prepare for the meeting, we recommend that you read “Money in Politics Review” on the LWV US web site www.lwvus.org.

Our membership responses to questions will be collated with Leagues from around the nation to revise the 1970’s LWVUS position. Come and help us consider this issue from all sides.

For guests, this is a special opportunity to learn how the League forms positions on issues.
Bring your thoughts, ideas and lunches.

The League of Women Voters of the San Juans, strengthening democracy and bringing you non-partisan voter information and forums for more than 20 years.